Update – Warburton Mountain Bike Destination
The EES exhibition period closed at 11:59pm on Tuesday 25 January 2022.
The IAC Hearing and Inquiry for the proposed Warburton Mountain Bike Destination has now closed.
The panel will now prepare a report of their findings for the Minister for Planning, with a decision expected to be announced in June 2022.
Environment Effects Statement (EES)
Yarra Ranges Council has prepared an Environment Effects Statement (EES) for the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Project.
The Summary Brochure gives you a broad overview of the whole project, the rationale for the project, its potential effects, and how we propose to manage these.
For more information and to download the individual documents, click on the + below.

How to access the EES & Exhibited Documents
The EES and the draft PSA application are now available in the links above. Hard copies of the EES and the draft PSA will be made available at the following locations during the exhibition period:
Yarra Ranges Council Community Link – 2442-2444 Warburton Hwy, Yarra Junction (map)
Arts Centre Warburton – 3409 Warburton Hwy, Warburton (map)
Yarra Ranges Council Offices – Chapel St, Lilydale – Medicare Building (map)
State Library of Victoria, 328 Swanston St, Melbourne (map)
Subject to COVID-19 restrictions on Community Facilities. Please check the COVIDSafe Settings for metropolitan Melbourne for updates.
You may also request an EES information pack which contains: • USB loaded with the complete EES and PSA.
Purchase a Printed Copy of the EES.
To purchase printed copy of any of the EES Reports and Map Book – click this link.
In relation to the Project or EES Documentation
Yarra Ranges Shire Council,
P.O. Box 105, Anderson Street Lilydale, VIC 3140
1300 368 333
(03) 9294 6905
In relation to making a submission or the Inquiry
Planning Panels Victoria 136 186 (select option 6) planning.panels@delwp.vic.gov.au
In relation to the EES Process
Impact Assessment Unit
DELWP environment.assessment@delwp.vic.gov.au

Warburton Mountain Bike Destination