The project is currently in a planning approvals phase.

Yarra Ranges Council’s aim is to deliver a range of positive opportunities for the region through the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination. Protecting the area’s significant natural and cultural environment and minimising potential impacts continue to be central to the project’s development.

In May 2020, the Minister for Planning determined an EES would be required for the project. In June 2020, the Commonwealth Government determined that approval would be required under the Environment Protection and Biodiversity Conservation Act 1999 (EPBC Act) and accredited the EES process for the related assessment.

Council has commenced preparation of the EES which will involve a range of specialist studies into the project’s potential impacts on the environment.

Community consultation from November 2020 and March/April 2021 will inform the EES preparation.

The EES will be publicly exhibited in late 2021.

In mid-2020, the Victorian Minister for Planning determined the project is to be assessed through the preparation of an Environment Effects Statement (EES) under the Environment Effects Act 1978.

The project went through the Environment Effects Statement (EES) process between 2020 to 2022 with the Ministers decision received in October 2022. Following the Environment Effects Statement (EES) process and the subsequent approval from the Minister, there are several State and Federal approval processes that need to be completed to the approval of the Minister for Planning before we can commence trail construction.

Council is fully committed to securing these approvals as quickly as possible to ensure the project can move forward, in the meantime though we’ve been making progress in other areas of the project since the announcement. We understand that the community is eagerly anticipating a start date for the trails, and we are working diligently to finalise the necessary approvals. We thank everyone for your continued support and patience throughout this process.

Council is confident that the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Project will secure the required approvals and that we’ll be able to schedule a commencement date for trail construction soon.