Warburton Mountain Bike Destination update June 2021
Thank you to everyone who provided feedback on the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination project over the last few months.
The ideas, issues and concerns raised by locals and visitors have played an important role in shaping the planning of this world-class mountain biking facility.
It has been wonderful to receive positive and constructive feedback from so many community members and stakeholders. At each stage we have improved and refined the project in response to what we’ve learned.
The Warburton Mountain Bike Destination team has been working hard, preparing our assessments and technical reports for the project’s Environment Effects Statement (EES).
An EES is a comprehensive assessment process to ensure major projects are designed, constructed and operated to minimise adverse environmental and community impacts.
Council is working collaboratively with a Technical Reference Group (TRG) to prepare the EES. This includes the development of avoidance and mitigation strategies, and ensuring all potential impacts are thoroughly considered.
The TRG was appointed by the Department of Environment Land Water and Planning (DELWP) and includes representatives from:
- Wurundjeri Woi Wurrung Cultural Heritage Aboriginal Corporation
- Heritage Victoria
- Aboriginal Victoria
- DELWP Planning and Biodiversity
- EPA Victoria
- Parks Victoria
- Department of Transport
- Melbourne Water
We undertook consultation in December 2020 and March 2021, which was focused on informing the EES technical studies. We sought feedback on potential impacts from the trails and any ideas for improvements and inputs to the design. Around 500 people participated, providing more than 2500 individual comments.
Yarra Ranges Council CEO, Tammi Rose, thanked local communities for helping to shape this project.
“Community feedback and local knowledge of the area plays an important role in developing the technical assessments of the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination” CEO Tammi Rose said.
“The EES technical studies and reports address the potential impacts of the project in its entirety – it’s crucial that community concerns and feedback have been considered through this rigorous process” CEO Tammi Rose said.
Learn more about what we heard, what we’ve done about it, and what’s next, in our latest project update document.