Ground truthing and environmental work continues
Ground truthing
Throughout the last month, the team have been busy braving the rain, hail and even snow while completing further field work.
World Trail will shortly be finishing up their final ground truthing, bringing the project one step closer to finalised alignments.
What is ground truthing?
Ground truthing is a term used for checking the alignments produced via desktop analysis against the real world.
While a trail may look good on maps, it may turn out to be completely different when on the ground, so we need to walk every alignment to ensure we have the best trail alignment in the real environment.
Environmental Values Checks
Once World Trail has completed their assessments, a team of Ecologists from Practical Ecology will also walk the alignments and conduct environmental based values checks.
This means they will check that the trail alignment conforms to a series of protocols to protect flora and fauna.
Learn more about the environmental and heritage aspects of this project in our latest video where we showcase the beautiful scenery of the Yarra Ranges while outlining the important steps and evaluations this project has gone through.
Website updates
Head over to the Warburton MTB Destination page to check out our updated project timeline and FAQ’s.
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