Marlino Avenue, Warburton – Trail alignment update
Following consultation with local residents, the Project Team has conducted a design review of the ascending trail alignment along Marlino Avenue, and the Melbourne Water Pipe Line Easement up to the O’Shannassy Aqueduct Trail.
As a result, this section of trail will no longer be part of the Warburton Mountain Bike Destination Draft Master Plan.
You can view the changes to the Marlino Avenue trail alignment here.
The intent of this alignment was to provide easy, family suitable access from the township to the O’Shannassy Aqueduct Trail.
Although this section will be removed from the mountain bike trail network, a high quality riding experience will still be provided.
We would like to thank everyone who provided feedback so far and we’ll continue to work with the community on the Draft Master Plan.
Find out more about the project at our upcoming community drop in sessions.